standard-title Haupt Dental Lab

Haupt Dental Lab

Every patient’s needs are different. However, one thing remains the same from patient to patient: the need for excellent dental care. Part of providing excellent dental care is utilizing exceptional dental labs. We have been working with Haupt Dental Lab for many years because of their excellent quality of lab work.

Dental Lab

About the Lab:

Just like Dr. Poore, Haupt Dental Lab is dedicated to perfection. For over 40 years, they have been producing the finest dental restorations available. Everyone in the lab is passionate about the services they provide and it is evident in the restorations that they produce. We often send our patients to Haupt Lab for custom shades to achieve the perfect shade for the patient’s restorations. When it comes to veneers, crowns, implants, and removable prosthetics, Haupt Lab seeks perfection.

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